1. According to modern historical research, the first phase of the dawn of our national life dates back almost from five to ten thousand years ago1. Like that of China, Babylon, Greece and other ancient nations our ancient history, too, is clothed in the poetical garb of mythology. It is replete with anecdotes, folk-lore, and deification of national heroes and heroines, and resorts to supernatural and symbolic description. Yet these ancient mythologies (Puranas) of ours are the pillars supporting the edifice of our ancient history2. Just as these extensive Puranic texts of ours are a magnificent treasure of our ancient literature, our knowledge, our glorious deeds and our grandeur and wealth, in a similar way they are a vast store-house of the accounts of our past, desultory, chaotic, even at times, ambiguous though it may be.
2. Our Puranas, however, are not 'history' pure and unadulterated3.
3. Hence, I propose to set aside the consideration of the 'Pauranic times' in the present context. For the 'Glorious Epochs', that I am going to refer to, and dilate upon, belong not so much to the Pauranic times, as to the historic periods of our national life.
4. The main criterion of history is that the dates and places and descriptions of events referred to therein must necessarily bear the stamp of authenticity, and they should be corroborated, as far as possible, by foreign as well as indigenous evidence.
5. The account of our past which fairly stands this test begins approximately from the time of Lord Buddha. Hence many Indian and Western Orientalists have accepted the Buddhist period as the beginning of Indian history4. The incessant and indefatigable labours of these Orientalists may in future include some of the so-called 'Pauranic period' into the historical one if some new evidence were to come to light. Till then at least we have to regard the Buddhistic period as the starting point of our history. What should be the criterion for determining the Glorious Epochs, I am going to discuss here. For that matter there are hundreds of glorious epochs in the history of our nation which stand the tests of poetic exuberance, music, prowess, affluence, the height of philosophy and depth of theology and many other criteria. But by the 'Glorious Epoch' I mean the one from the history of that warlike generation and the brave leaders and successful warriors who inspire and lead it on to a war of liberation in order to free their nation from the shackles of foreign domination, whenever it has the misfortune to fall a prey to such powerful fatal aggression and to grovel abjectly under it, and who ultimately drive away the enemy making it an absolutely free and sovereign nation. Every nation extols such epochs of the wars of independence which inflict crushing defeats on the enemy. Take for instance, the American War of Independence. The day on which America wrenched her independence from England, vanquishing her completely on the battlefield, is a red-letter day in the history of America and is celebrated like a festival all over the country. The moment recording this successful struggle for freedom is acknowledged as a glorious epoch in the history of America.
6. Again, in respect of establishing the authentic history of nation beyond doubt, the convincing references in the contemporary literature of other nations are really invaluable. The ancient period of our history which can be supported by the now available, unimpeachable evidence in the historical records of countries other than India is the one which begins round about the times of Emperor Chandragupta Mourya5. For, since the date of Alexander's so-called invasion of India n ccounts of the Greek writers and the description of their travels by the Chinese travellers.