Linguistic tasks on translation corpora for developing resources for manual and machine translation
Posted in COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICSNiladri Sekhar Dash and Pronomita Basu
In this paper we have made an attempt to discuss some of the theoretical
issues related to linguistic tasks to be carried out on translation corpora for
developing varieties of linguistic resources and tools required in machine
translation. Although attempts have been made for developing translation
corpora as well as systems, tools and approaches for machine translation or
machine-aided human translation, attention is hardly paid to some of the
basic linguistic works, which are indispensable for achieving success in these
areas. Even though it is known that generation of translation corpora is an
essential part of machine translation, which can contribute to enhance
robustness of a translation system, we have not yet focussed on how these
translation corpora are going to be used in the work. Keeping this issue open
we have addressed some of the basic linguistic activities related to analysis of
translation corpora, which include extraction of translational equivalents
from corpora; development of bilingual dictionaries; generation of
terminology databank; selection of lexical resources; dissolving lexical
ambiguities; and generation of a network of grammatical mapping with close
reference to lexical mapping, pragmatic and sentential information. In our
argument, a machine translation system will become more efficient and robust
if it is empowered with linguistic resources developed from linguistic activities
carried out on translation corpora.
bilingual dictionary, terminology databank, lexical selection, lexical ambiguity,
grammatical mapping, lexical mapping, corpora, Bengali.
1. Introduction
Translation corpora, after these are systematically compiled and properly aligned (Dash 2008:
77-81) become accessible for several linguistic activities, which are indispensable for
developing linguistic resources required for machine translation. In fact, accurate and
effective execution of the linguistic activities on translation corpora becomes useful for
generating necessary linguistic resources required not only for machine translation but also
for manual translation, since direct utilization of these resources enhances speed, robustness,
and accuracy of both types of translation. In our view, the linguistic activities that need to be
carried out on translation corpora include:
(a) Linguistic analysis of translation corpora developed both in the source language and the
target language
(b) Extraction of translational equivalents from the translation corpora
(c) Development of bilingual dictionaries for source language and target language
(d) Generation of terminology databank for source language and target language
(e) Selection of appropriate lexical items for translation
(f) Dissolving the problems of lexical ambiguity, and
(g) Developing grammatical mapping for the sentences of source and target language with
reference to lexical mapping, pragmatic, and sentential information.
In the following sections of this paper we have addressed all the issues with reference to the
Indian language corpora along with a focus on English as the source language and Bengali as
the target language.
2. Linguistic Analysis of Translation Corpora
Within the area of machine translation research, the central point of debate has been the
question about the level of complexity involved in the task of translation corpora analysis.
The general argument is that unless a large number of linguistic phenomena widely occurring
in natural language texts are analysed and overtly represented, a high quality machine
translation output is unattainable (Isabelle et al. 1993). It is also argued that problems like
lexical ambiguity and constituent mapping can be dissolved with the help of abundant
knowledgebase obtained from corpora and this may be stored in lexicon and grammar of each
language involved in translation (Dash 2007: 137-178). This, however, asks for proper
execution of rigorous processes of translation corpora analysis that make explicit some or all
of the translation correspondences that link up segments of source texts with those of their
translations in the target texts.
For the sake of effective linguistic analysis of translation corpora, we argue for using
techniques of part-of-speech (POS) tagging of words and shallow parsing of sentences for
acquiring better translational outputs. In these works a corpus analyser are supported with
standard grammars available in a language or acquired from previously processed corpora.
The main objective is to develop bilingual lexical databases by extracting appropriate words,
terms, phrases, and idiomatic expressions considered appropriate as translation equivalents.
These outputs can be used to increase electronic lexical database of a language as well as for
developing materials for language teaching.
The POS tagging can be executed automatically by comparing texts included in the
source language and the target language corpora following the probabilistic matching
procedure (Chanod and Tapanainen 1995). Although some of the adjectives may be
translated in this manner as nouns in the target language or vice-versa, traditional lexical
categories mentioned in standard grammars and dictionaries available in the source and the
target language can help us to resolve grammatical ambiguities, if they arise. The basic
proposition is, at this particular phase, the traditional grammatical categories of words can
have strong referential impacts on the quality of POS tagging, as a translation system with
fewer grammatical categories of words can have better rate of success than a system with a
list of lexical database having exhaustive grammatical categories.
3. Extraction of Translational Equivalents from Translation Corpora
The search for translational equivalents in translation corpora begins with those lexical items
that express similar meanings or senses in the both languages. This is usually done manually
at the early stage of translation corpora analysis. Once these items are found in the corpora,
these need to be stored in alphabetical order in separate lexical list for future utilization.
Usually, translation corpora produce large number of translational equivalent lexical items,
which are potential to be used as alternative forms in translation. The basic factor that
determines the selection of appropriate equivalent forms is measured on the basis of recurrent
patterns of their usage in the corpora. Moreover, equivalent forms are verified with texts of
monolingual corpora from which translation corpora are developed. A general scheme for
extracting a list of translational equivalents from the bilingual translation corpora is presented
below (Figure 1).
↓ ↓
Source language corpora Target language corpora
↓ ↓
Search in the source language corpora Search in the target language corpora
↓ ↓
Identification of lexical items Identification of similar lexical items
↓ ↓
Recording meanings of lexical items Recording meanings of lexical items
↓ ↓
Storage of lexical items and their
Storage of lexical items and their
↓ ↓
Matching of lexical items and their meanings in both corpora
Generation of a List of Translational Equivalents
Storage of translational equivalents in a separate lexical database
Figure 1 Extraction of translational equivalents from source and target language corpora
translation corpora, machine translation, translational equivalents, It should be clearly understood that, even between the two closely related languages,
translational equivalents seldom mean the same senses in all contexts, since these are seldom
distributed in same types of syntactic and grammatical construction. Moreover, semantic
connotation and degree of formality of equivalent forms may vary depending on languagespecific
contexts. Sometimes, a lemma of the target language may fail to be an equivalent to a
lemma of the source language, even though they appear equivalent in sense. Although twoway
translation may be possible with proper names and scientific terms, it hardly succeeds
with ordinary lexical items used in different senses in the corpora (Landau 2001: 319). This
implies that in case of autonomous machine translation system, translation of ordinary texts
will face severe problems due to difference in senses of lexical items. To overcome the
problem, we require manual intervention in selection of translational equivalents to yield
better outputs in translation.
With regard to extraction of translational equivalents from translation corpora will not
only help machine translation workers but also others engaged in compiling bilingual lexical
databases. In essence, the extraction of translational equivalents from translation corpora will
include the following activities:
Retrieving appropriate translational equivalents for content words such as nouns,
adjectives, verbs, adverbs, etc.
prepositions, postpositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.
collocations, and proverbs.
‘naturalness’ of the target language.
which we have limited access.
stored in translational databases.
The process of extracting translational equivalents from the source language and the target
language and their subsequent verification for authentication with monolingual corpora is
described below (Figure 2). Since finding out equivalent units from translation corpora is not
an easy task, we need to use various searching methods to trace the comparable units similar
in meaning but are often larger and more complex in form than words. Once these are
retrieved and implemented into translation platforms, these can facilitate translations more
effectively than the customary translation memories. We may also integrate findings from
corpora with bilingual dictionaries and term banks to enrich machine translation
knowledgebase for the battles ahead.
Figure 2 Verification and authentication of translational equivalents
Generating terminology databases from new texts, which are neither standardised norCreating new translation databases for translating correctly into those languages onLearning how the language corpora help to produce translated texts that displayRetrieving multiword translational equivalents such as idioms, phrases, compounds,Retrieving appropriate translational equivalents for function words like pronouns,Within machine translation research there are great diversities in approaches that use little or
no information of traditional linguistics. Also, there are theoretical works that characterize the
expressiveness and complexities of different formalisms of languages as well as empirical
works that assess modelling and descriptive adequacy across various language pairs.
Following these formalism we can use aligned translation corpora to create better equivalents
for more accurate translational outputs.
Source language corpora Target language corpora
Cross-verification of translational equivalents
Translation in target language Translation is source language
Final authentication of translational equivalents
The third impart work of translation corpora analysis is the development of bilingual
dictionary the lack of which has been one of the great bottlenecks in present machine
translation activities (Geyken 1997). The dictionaries available in market are not good
enough to compensate this, since these dictionaries normally do not contain enough
information about lexical sub-categorisation, lexical selection restriction, and domains of
application of lexical items in the lexical information they provide. Since it is possible now to
extract information about sub-categorisation information of lexical items from the POS
tagged, there is hardly any problem to include this information in a bilingual dictionary
(Brown 1999). Even when POS-tagged corpora are not readily available, bilingual
dictionaries can be developed from the untagged corpora available in the source language and
the target language.
Words Bengali words Oriya words
bābā ‘father’, mā ‘mother’,
māsi ‘aunt’, māmā ‘uncle’,
bapā ‘father’, mā ‘mother’, māusi
‘aunt’, māmu ‘uncle’
Pronouns āmi ‘I’, tumi ‘you (gen.)’, pni ‘you (h)’, tui ‘you (non-h)’
mu ‘I’, tume ‘you (gen.)’,
Nouns lok ‘person’, ghar ‘home’,
hāt ‘hand’, mandir ‘temple’
loka ‘person’, ghara ‘home’,
hāta ‘hand’, mandira ‘temple’
Adjectives bhāla ‘good’, manda ‘bad’,
satya ‘true’, mithyā ‘false’
bhala ‘good’, manda ‘bad’,
satya ‘true’, michā ‘false’
Verbs ýāchhi ‘I/we am/are going’,
khāba ‘I/we shall eat’
ýāuchi ‘I/we am/are going’, khāibā
pana ‘you (h)’, tu ‘you’ (non-h)’‘I/we shall eat’
Postpositions mājhe ‘in the middle’,
pāśe ‘beside’, upare ‘above’
majhire ‘in the middle’,
pāśe ‘beside’, upare ‘above’
Indeclinable kintu ‘but’, bā ‘or’ kintu ‘but’, bā ‘or’
Table 1 Translational equivalents from Bengali and Oriya corpora
Development of a bilingual dictionary is best possible within those languages, which are
genealogically linked (e.g., Hindi-Urdu, Bengali-Oriya, and Tamil-Malayalam, etc.), since
genealogically related languages share many common properties (both linguistic and nonlinguistic)
hardly found in non-related languages. Also, there is a large chunk of regular
vocabulary similar to each other not only in their orthographic representation but also in
sense, content, meaning, and connotation. For example, we have presented above a sample
list of similar words, which can be used as suitable translational equivalents for the two
genealogically related languages - Bengali and Oriya (Table 1).
For compiling bilingual dictionary, we can use POS tagged corpora in various ways.
Albeit there are variations in use of POS tagged corpora, in most cases, the goals are the
Retrieval of large comparable syntactic blocks like clauses, phrases and sentences from
bilingual translation corpora.
from the POS tagged corpora.
idiomatic expressions, etc. from the corpora.1 Selection of appropriate lexical items as translational equivalents based on their
Extraction of frequently used nominal, adverbial and adjectival phrases, set phrases, andExtraction of various subcategorised constituents like subjects, objects, predicates, etc.
similarity in form, meaning, and usage in source and target language.
In spite of close linguistic proximities between two genealogically related languages, one
cannot expect hundred percent similarity of lexical stock at morphological, lexical, syntactic,
semantic, and conceptual level. Therefore, with all information extracted from corpora, aCore Grammar is the best solution, which will categorically highlight all kinds of linguisticsimilarities across the two languages. Although this kind of grammar is yet to be developed
among the genealogically related Indian languages, present availability of Indian language
corpora recently developed (Dash 2009) can help us to achieve great success in generation of
bilingual dictionary for the task at hand.
5. Generation of Terminology Databank
Selection and use of appropriate technical and scientific terms is an important attribute of a
good translation system, which asks for proper identification of the terms in source and target
language corpora. The primary task of a linguist is to search through the corpora of source
language and the target language and to select the appropriate terms that may be considered
translational equivalents or near-equivalents for scientific ideas, items and concepts. While
doing this, a linguist has to keep in mind various issues regarding the appropriateness,
usability, grammaticality and acceptance of the terms in the source language and the target
language. However, the most crucial issue is lexical generativity of the terms by which many
new words are possible to generate through activation of various word-formation strategies
(Aronoff 1981: 25) used in the languages.2
A linguist has another important role in choice of an appropriate term from a large list
of multiple terms coined by different persons to represent a particular idea, event, item, or
concept. It is observed that recurrent practice of forming new technical terms often goes to
such an extreme that a machine translation system designer is at loss to decide which term to
select over the other suitable terms. Debate also arises whether one should generate new
terms or accept terms of the source language already absorbed in the target language by
regular usage and reference. It has been also observed that some technical terms are absorbed
to such an extent that it becomes almost impossible to trace their actual origin. In that case, a
machine translation system designer has no problem, as these terms are already accepted in
the target language. For instance, the Bengali people can have no problem in understanding
several English terms like computer, mobile, calculator, telephone, tram, bus, cycle, taxi,
rickshaw, train, machine, pen, pencil, pant, road, station, platform, etc., since these are
accepted in Bengali along with the respective items. The high frequency of their use in
various texts makes them a part of the Bengali vocabulary. Therefore, there is no need to
replace these terms at the time of developing terminology databank.3
The translation corpora of the target language are good resources for selection of
appropriate technical and scientific terms expressing new concepts and ideas borrowed from
the source language. Since these corpora are made up with varieties of texts full of new
terms, idioms, expressions and phrases, they can provide valuable resources of context-based
use of terms to draw sensible conclusions. In sum, reference to translation corpora contributes
in two important ways.
(a) They help to collect all technical terms, expressions and phrases entered into the target
language along with information of dates and fields of their entry and usage.
(b) They provide all possible native coinages of terms, expressions and phrases along with
respective domains and frequency of their usage in the language.
These two factors can help us to determine on relative acceptance or rejection of the scientific
and technical terms. The examination of instances derived from the Bengali text corpus (Dash
2005, Ch. 9) shows how a target language corpus can become highly useful in selection of
appropriate terms ― an essential part for translation.
The selection of the most appropriate lexical items from the target language corpora as
suitable translation equivalents for lexical items of the source language text is another
complex task in translation that requires careful interference of linguists well-versed in both
the source and target language. It implies that a linguist has to select appropriate terms from a
large collection of conceptually similar forms available in target language text, which are
nearest in sense to the terms selected from the source language text. A typical example of this
is the use of verbs depending on the status of the agent (actor). In Bengali, for example, the
use of verb referring ‘act of eating’ is highly restricted in use depending on the honour of the
agent used as the subject of a sentence. Let us consider, for elucidation, the following
1(a) English: God takes food (Subject: God)
Bengali: bhagabān prasād grahaṇ karen
1(b) English: A great man eats (Subject: great man)
Bengali: mahāpuruṣ bhojan karen
1(c) English: A gentleman eats (Subject: gentleman)
Bengali: bhadralok āhār karen
1(d) English: A common man eats (Subject: common man)
Bengali: sādhāraṇ lok khāy
1(e) English: A layman eats (Subject: laymen)
Bengali: choṭalok gele
If we scrutinise the examples presented above, we can find out that the selection of
appropriate equivalent term in Bengali for English eat is controlled by the status of agent
(i.e., subject) referred to in sentences. If the person in source language text is a divine man,
then the equivalent term is prasād grahaṇ karen (1a), for a great man it is bhojan karen (1b),
for a gentleman it is āhār karen (1c), for a common man it is khāy (1d), and for a layman
belonging to the lowest social status marked by the scales of social prestige, it is gele (1e),
although, in all cases, the core meanings of the terms are same: ‘to take or eat food’.
In case of technical and scientific terms, selection of appropriate terms becomes far
more complicated if the contexts of use of the terms in the source language across the fields
of discourse are not considered. For instance, consider the following examples where the
English term deliver can be translated into Bengali with a wide variation of choice depending
on the context of use of the term in the source language (i.e., English).
2(a) English: Mrs. Sen delivered a child in the hospital
Bengali: Mrs. Sen hāspātāle ekṭi santāner janma diyechen
2(b) English: Prof. Basu delivered a lecture on child education
Bengali: adhyāpak Basu śiśuśikṣār upar ekṭi baktṛ tā dilen
2(c) English: The courier boy has delivered the packet
Bengali: kuriyāyer cheleṭi pyākeṭṭi põuche diyeche
2(d) English: The bowler delivered a googly in the last over
Bengali: śeṣ obhāre bolārṭi ekṭi gugli bal karlo
The examples cited above shows that the English term deliver carries four different senses in
the source language, which have to be translated in an appropriate manner into the target
language taking into consideration the context of use of the term. In the field of childbirth, the
most appropriate term in Bengali is janma deoyā, in lecture in the class or at a mass rally it is
baktṛ tā deoyā, in postal distribution or supply of goods it is põuche deoyā, and in the game of
cricket it is bal karā. The most interesting thing is that what it means in the field of childbirth
is not same in supply of goods, lecture in class, and in the game of cricket. This signifies that
by considering the domain of use of terms in the source language, we have to select the
appropriate terms in the target language. In most cases, evidences collected from corpora can
legitimatize the beautility and acceptance of translation outputs.
The primary task of a linguist is to find out the appropriate lexical items considering
various factors latently involved within the two languages considered for translation. The
examples show that lexical selection has to be taken care of for generating sensible
translation outputs. Although the problem is handled elegantly in manual translation, it is a
great hurdle in machine translation. The best way to overcome the problem in machine
translation is to enlist beforehand all semantically similar forms in a separate lexical list
within a machine readable dictionary (MRD) to be accessed in later in translation. Such a
lexical database is easy to extract from translation corpora in both manual and machine
translation activities.
Usually, there are several domains within a MRD ― a resource capable to provide all
relevant information about the selection of lexical items. Therefore, whenever we analyse
translation corpora, we need to identify the subject area to which the text belongs for storing
the list of terms related to this domain. For instance, when we analyse an English text related
to mass media, it makes sense that we select the relevant terms from the English text and
store them in a separate lexical database. Similarly, we can execute the same kind of task on
the target language text to collect and store lexical terms in a lexical database in the subject
area ‘mass media’. However, complexities will arise when a single term of the source
language will denoted different senses in the target language. For example, English terminform can have several senses in Bengali depending on the domain of use of term, as the list(Table 2) shows. The examples imply that a translator has to select the most appropriate
lexical item considering the domain, to which he is going to translate the source language
text. Until this issue is systematically dealt with, appropriate output cannot be achieved in the
target language.
Bengali equivalents
(Selection is based on domain)
↓ ↓
inform jānāno (Giving general news or information to people)
inform raṭāno (Spreading rumour or false information around)
inform pracār (Canvassing information for one and all)
inform bijñāpan (Advertising an item or product, etc.)
inform sampracār (Broadcast and telecast of news and information)
inform bijñapti (Government circulars or notices for all people)
inform ghoṣaṇā (Declaring an event of public reference and interest)
inform Dhārābhāṣya (Running commentary of games and sports)
inform istehār (Campaign and propaganda of political isms)
inform Pratibedan (Reporting a piece of news in papers)
inform kīrtan (Highlighting someone’s achievement)
Table 2 Selection of lexical items based on the domain of use of items
The selection of appropriate phrases, set expressions, idiomatic expressions, and proverbial
statements is another complex task which demands careful search through bilingual
translation corpora for collection appropriate translational equivalent forms (Geyken 1997).
The best solution is to generate a bilingual database for these resources and store it in MRD
for future usage. For instance, given below is a sample list of idioms and proverbial forms
(Table 3) collected from English corpora with their translational equivalents obtained from
the Bengali text corpus (Dash 2009).
English idioms and phrases Bengali equivalent forms
Apple of one’s eye chokher maṇi
Crocodile’s tear kumīrer kannā
A bedlam narak guljār karā
Blue blood nīl rakta
Bolt from the blue binā meghe bajrapāt
Paddle your own canoe nijer carkāy tel deoyā
On cloud nine saptam svarge
A cock and bull story āsāṛe galpa
A white elephant śvet hastī
By hook or by crook ýena tena prakāreṇa
Horns of a dilemma ubhay saṅkaṭ
To add insult to injury kāṭā ghāye nuṇer chiṭe
To carry coal to New Castle telā māthāy tel deoyā
Once in a blue moon kāle bhadre
In the nick of time śeṣ samaye
Pour oil on troubled water agnite ghṛtāhuti deoyā
Raining in cats and dogs muṣaldhāre bṛiṣṭipāt
Black sheep Kulāṅgār
Writing on the wall deoyāler likhan
To cry in wilderness Araṇye rodan
Table 3 Phrases and idioms taken from English and Bengali corpora
Generation of such a list of idioms, phrases and proverbs from the source language and the
target language corpora enhances quality and robustness of machine translation, since this
database can be used to capture the figurative senses of expressions found in the source
language and the target language for stylistic representation as well as for better
comprehension of translational outputs.
In normal situation, a linguistic communication transfers information from the producer to
the receiver by using language as a vehicle. Sometimes, however, this transfer of information
is not free from ambiguity ― one of the most common yet highly complex phenomena of a
natural language (Dash 2005). It is observed that ambiguity may arise due to several factors,
one of which is inadequacy in the internal meaning associated with a lexical item or due to
structure of an utterance used in a particular event of communication. Thus, ambiguity is
classified into three broad types.4
(a) Lexical ambiguity (e.g., They went to the bank),
(b) Referential ambiguity (e.g., He loves his wife), and
(c) Syntactic ambiguity (e.g., Time flies like an arrow).
In case of lexical ambiguity, a speaker uses a single word to refer to more than one sense,
event, idea, or concept. This creates problem for a listener in capturing the actual intended
meaning of a word. The problem intensifies further when the language of the speaker differs
from that of a listener. Since a machine translation system is intended to be developed with
some perceptions of mental representation of a speaker, it is limited by words and sentences
used by the speaker.
To overcome the problem, we need to map the source language lexicon with the
equivalent in the target language lexicon, which will be used as an appropriate frame in
particular contexts of text representation. In some situations, the target language may not
have an equivalent lexical item, which is fit to represent the actual sense of a term used in
source language. In such cases, we have to either depend on multi-word units (such as,
multiword units, compounds, idioms, phrases, and clauses, etc.) or use the explanatory
addendum to deal with such situations.
For dissolving lexical ambiguities, the easier solution is to find out methods for
locating contexts of use of words as well as analyse the contextual profiles of the lexical
items. Recent experiments with translation corpora (Ravin and Leacock 2000, Cuyckens and
Zawada 2001) reveal that lexical ambiguity is mostly resulted from multiple readings of a
word, and these readings most often differ in selection of lexical, syntactic and semantic
features of words, such as, tense, aspect, modality, case, number, gender, idiomatic readings,
figurative usage and so on. As avid supporters of the Corpus-Based Machine Translation
system (Dash 2007: Ch. 5), we argue to overcome the problem of lexical ambiguity with
reference to the context of their occurrence in a piece of text collected in corpora. In that case
we need to identify the large number of ambiguous words that usually occur in natural texts
and analyse them properly as well as mark them accordingly to achieve higher accuracy in
translation. If possible, we should analyse the ambiguous words with information gathered
from translated texts and with semantic information stored in the MRD.5
Taking cues from domain-specific translation outputs, we can go for deep semantic
analysis of words which, however, is not always required for translation. For instance,
English head may be translated in Bengali as māthā, no matter in which of the many senses
the word is used in the source language text. Therefore, it is better that we go for a simple
word analysis scheme and use a more direct source language to target language substitution
in place of deep semantic analysis of ambiguous words. At certain contexts, it is possible and
necessary to ignore lexical ambiguities with a hope that the same ambiguity will be carried to
the target language. This is useful in those cases where we aim at dealing with only a pair of
related languages within a highly restricted domain. However, since analysis of lexical
ambiguities is meant to produce non-ambiguous representation in the target language, we
cannot ignore it in case of translation of texts belonging to general domains (Isabelle and
Bourbeau 1985: 21).
The type of transformation we referred to in the following example (3a) is known as
grammatical mapping in translation. Here, words of source language text are ‘mapped’ with
words of target language text to obtain meaningful translation outputs. In machine translation,
there are various ways for mapping of linguistic forms used in a language (e.g.,
morphological, lexical, grammatical, phrasal, clausal, etc.), the most common one of which is
grammatical mapping related to verb forms within the two languages considered for
The issue of grammatical mapping becomes relevant in machine translation between
the two languages, which are different in lexical ordering in sentence formation. In the
present context, while we talk about machine translation from English to Bengali, this
becomes optimised in proportion, since while English has SVO structure (e.g., He eats rice)
in sentence formation, Bengali has SOV structure (e.g., se bhāt khāy) within the same
framework. Therefore, grammatical mapping and reordering of lexical items is required for
producing the acceptable outputs in Bengali. For example, consider the sentence given below
(3a) as well as the mapping (Figure 3).
3(a) English: All his efforts ended in smoke
Bengali: tār samasta ceṣṭā byārtha hala
English All his efforts ended in smoke
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Literal output samasta
eṣ hala (6)
Actual output tār
Bengali (2) (1) (3) (7)
Figure 3 Grammatical mapping between English and Bengali sentences
Figure 3 shows that for achieving accurate output with acceptable word order in the target
language, words used in the sentence of the source language text need to be mapped with
words used in the target language in the following manner:
English [a] = Bengali [1] (word to word mapping)
English [b] = Bengali [2] (word to word mapping)
English [c] = Bengali [3] (word to word mapping)
English [d] = Bengali [4] (group of words for single word)
English [e] = Bengali [5] (use of case marker for preposition)
English [f] = Bengali [6] (word to word mapping)
However, we must understand that lexical mapping is not the only solution by which we can
obtain accurate translation output in the target language. The input sentence of the source
language text (English) also contains an idiomatic expression (i.e., ended in smoke), which
requires some pragmatic knowledge to find a similar idiomatic expression in the target
language (Bengali) to achieve greater accuracy in translation. Therefore, we need to employ
pragmatic knowledgebase to select appropriate equivalent idiomatic expression from the
target language texts in the following manner:
English: [d-e-f] (an idiomatic expression)
Bengali: [7 (<4-5-6)] (similar translation equivalent)
The machine translation system needs the information that ended in smoke in the source
language text has to be translated as byārtha hala in target language text when the expression
is used in idiomatic sense. After the selection of appropriate and equivalent idiomatic
expression from the target language text, we are in a position to claim that the output
sentence is grammatically mapped to such an extent that intended sense of the input sentence
is maximally represented in the output. After this comes the stage of sequential ordering of
words in the sentence of the target language text so that the output sentence becomes
grammatically valid in the target language text. For this, the following information becomes
Sequence in English sentence: [a + b + c + (d + e + f)]
Sequence in Bengali sentence: [2 + 1 + 3 + 7 (<4+5+6)]
What it shows that after proper application of several linguistic strategies like lexical
mapping, selection of appropriate idiomatic expression (if any), and sequential ordering, we
finally get tār samasta ceṣṭ ā byārtha hala as a valid translation output in the target language
(Bengali). Such grammatical mapping from one structure to another is highly useful for
producing appropriate translations which are accepted as ‘normal’ sentences in the target
In the task of analysing sentence structures of the source and target language texts,
translated corpora are particularly useful, which we can use to map the sequence of word
order (at linear level) between the source and target language texts to yield information about
the structure of NPs, APs, VPs, PPs, and other properties used in the languages considered
for translation.
No English Bengali
(a) in hands hāte (< hāt[n] + -e[loc case])
(b) with person loker (< lok[n] + -er[gen case] ) + saṅge[post-p])
(c) by mistake bhulbaśata (< bhul[n] + baśata[Adv])
(d) in house ghare (< ghar[n] + -e[loc case])
(e) in house gharer madhye (< ghar[n] + -er[gen case] + madhye[pp])
(f) at night rāte (< rāt[n] + -e[loc case])
Table 4 Mapping of preposition and postposition between English and Bengali
The grammatical mapping also highlights the lexical interface underlying the surface
structures of sentences and the nature of lexical dependency underlying the surface
constructions in the source and target language texts. For example, in case of translating
prepositions (e.g., at, for, up, by, in, of, with, etc.) used in English, we need to decide whether
we should use postpositions or case markers to have correct outputs in Bengali. For
elucidation, consider the examples given above (Table 4).
The above examples (Table 4) show that in English, prepositions are used before
nouns to evoke case relation (a, d, f), adverbial sense (c) and postpositional sense (b, e).
However, in Bengali, these senses are achieved by using case markers (a, d, and f),
postpositions (b and c), or both case markers and postpositions (e). Also the table provides
information about their position in respect to the content words with which these functional
words are attached to generate the appropriate outputs (Figure 4).
English: It is in his hand
Bengali: eṭā tār hāt- -e (ache)
Figure 4 Position of postposition with respect to content words
From the examples and analyses presented above it is almost clear that the task of proper
grammatical mapping is an essential linguistic part of machine translation, which cannot be
ignored if we intend to achieve even marginal success in this area.
Linguistic analysis of translation corpora is an indispensable task that helps to develop
necessary resources to get better translation outputs. It involvers several works such as
analysis of translation corpora, development of bilingual lexical database, extraction of
translational equivalents, generation of terminology database, making appropriate lexical
selection, dissolving lexical ambiguity, and developing suitable grammatical mapping
between the languages. Also we need to determine which linguistic units of the target
language are more likely to correlate with of linguistic units of the source language.
The most sensible method for making these activities feasible is to analyse translation
corpora as training corpora, since analysis will help us to find out all kinds of linguistic
information required in translation. It is, however, not necessary to analyse all sentences used
in translation corpora, as analysis of a set of token sentences will serve and suffice initial
purposes. After analysis of translation corpora, we shall obtain linguistic resources of three
(a) Examples of strong matching where linguistic items such as words, terms, phrases,
idioms, and sentences, etc. are similar in form, meaning, and usage both in source and
target languages.
(b) Examples of approximate matching where linguistic items are similar in meaning but
different in form and usage in the two languages.
(c) Examples of weak matching where linguistic items are different in form, meaning and
usage in the two languages.
In case of translating texts from Bengali to Oriya, most of the linguistic items will belong tostrong matching, since the language are genealogical linked and ire originated from thesource mother. But, in case of translating texts from English to Bengali, most of the linguistic
items will belong to weak matching, as languages belong to two different typologies. In such
a situation, if fifty percent similarity is obtained from the translation corpora of the two
languages, one can go for using them in translation. In essence, systematic analysis of
translation corpora, methodical extraction linguistic resources from corpora as well as
judicious application of outputs will make machine translation as realized dream.
Machine translation is an applied field, the impetus for progress of which mostly comes from
elegant handing of linguistic and extralinguistic resources. Since this is highly specialized
domain, it is a test bed for theories and applications related to linguistics, language
technology, and artificial intelligence. While working in this domain we want to verify if
theories of syntax, semantics, and discourse are compatible to it, if standard lexicon and
grammar are fruitfully utilised in it, and if algorithms of text processing, parsing, word sense
disambiguation, machine learning, and pragmatic interpretations are applicable to it. Thus,
machine translation turns into an ideal field for comprehensive evaluation of various theories
of language as well as for development and testing a wider range of linguistic phenomena
abundant within natural languages.
Since translation corpora are indispensable resources both in manual and machine
translation, we can focus only on processing, analysis, and access of corpora with an
assumption that analysable translation corpora (properly aligned and readily comparable) are
already compiled and provided to the people involved in the task. The activities we have
proposed here are not only suitable for machine translation from English to Bengali, but also
for any other languages included in the task of machine translation. These are also applicable
for most of the Indian languages, which are interested to develop useful translation corpora
between English and the Indian languages for similar purposes. The utilities of the linguistic
resources generated from analysis of translation corpora can be further attested in language
teaching, electronic dictionary compilation, machine learning, grammar development, and
language cognition.
For Indian languages, translation corpora are basic requirements, which are however,
yet to be developed for any two genealogically related languages. We, therefore, urgently
need to develop translation corpora, which will be accessible for developing machine
translation system for the Indian languages. In fact, availability of translation corpora in
Indian languages will make significant contribution to supplement traditional methods of
translation, because information obtained from analysis of translation corpora will minimises
distance between the Indian languages. The secret motive behind this work is to argue for
development of translation corpora in the Indian languages so that we can take a step forward
towards development of a machine translation system for the Indian languages.
etc. in both the corpora such as
There are several identical adverbial and adjectival phrases, idiomatic expressions and set phrases,gatānugatik jībandhārā ‘stereotype life’, biśeṣ bhābe paricita ‘specially known’,
These can be put to a list of ‘lexical collocation’ of a bilingual dictionary for better access and
application in machine translation and other linguistic works.
satata paribartanśīl ‘ever changing’, sāṅ skṛ itik anuṣṭ hān ‘cultural function’, etc. 2
compounding, loan translation, blending, etc.) for generating new lexical items in a language. For
instance, consider the process of word formation in Bengali following English by analogy:
There are several word formation strategies (e.g., derivation, inflection, affixation, analogy,electric = bidyut
, electrical = baidyutik, electronic = baidyutin, etc. 3
corpus shows that there are more than thousand English terms, which are regularly used by Bengali
people. Surprisingly, none of these terms are allowed to enter in standard Bengali dictionaries. This
shows the lack of proper information about the language use on the part of dictionary makers. We,
therefore, ask for immediate revision of standard Bengali dictionaries with English words and terms
collected from the modern Bengali corpus databases.
From a simple calculation of English terms in Bengali vocabulary obtained from the Bengali text 4
divergence are available in the work of Dorr (1994). Divergence in Hindi texts is addressed in Gupta
and Chatterjee (2003).
In machine translation ambiguities are referred to as examples of divergence. Some discussions on 17
realistic nor feasible (Grishman and Kosaka 1992). They also argue that, “it must be kept in mind that
a translation process does not necessarily require full understanding of the texts. Ambiguities may be
preserved during a translation
Rimon and Berry 1988).
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Linguistic Research Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
203, Barrackpore Trunk Road
Kolkata - 700108, West Bengal, India
Homepage: http://www.isical.ac.in/~niladri
Ms Pronomita Basu
Dept. of Linguistics
University of Calcutta
College Street Campus
Kolkata – 700 073
West Bengal, India
on web page <SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [online]. 2010, vol. 7, no. 2 [cit. 2010-06-30]. Availablehttp://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTL16/pdf_doc/01.pdf>. ISSN 1339-782X. Notes
10. Conclusion
9. The System Module
(c) Sentential Information:
(b) Pragmatic Information:
(a) Lexical Mapping:
8. Defining the Pattern of Grammatical Mapping
7. Dissolving Lexical Ambiguity
6. Selection of Appropriate Lexical Item
4. Compilation of Bilingual Dictionary
Linguistic tasks on translation corpora for developing resources for
manual and machine translation