Brief history of Machine translation
The use of mechanical dictionaries to overcome barriers of language was first
suggested in the 17th century. Both Descartes and Leibniz speculated on the
creation of dictionaries based on universal numerical codes. Actual examples
were published in the middle of the century by Cave Beck, Athanasius Kircher
and Johann Becher. The inspiration was the ‘universal language’ movement,
the idea of creating an unambiguous language based on logical principles and
iconic symbols (as the Chinese characters were believed to be), with which all
humanity could communicate without fear of misunderstanding. Most familiar is
the interlingua elaborated by John Wilkins in his ‘Essay towards a Real Character
and a Philosophical Language’ (1668).
In subsequent centuries there were many more proposals for international
languages (with Esperanto as the best known), but few attempts to mechanize
translation until the middle of this century. In 1933 two patents appeared
independently in France and Russia. A French-Armenian, George Artsrouni, had
designed a storage device on paper tape which could be used to find the equivalent
of any word in another language; a prototype was apparently demonstrated in
1937. The proposal by the Russian, Petr Smirnov-Troyanskii, was in retrospect
more significant. He envisaged three stages of mechanical translation: first, an
editor knowing only the source language was to undertake the ‘logical’ analysis
of words into their base forms and syntactic functions; secondly, a machine was
to transform sequences of base forms and functions into equivalent sequences in
the target language; finally, another editor knowing only the target language was
to convert this output into the normal forms of that language. Although his patent
referred only to the machine which would undertake the second stage, Troyanskii
believed that “the process of logical analysis could itself be mechanised”.
Troyanskii was ahead of his time and was unknown outside Russia when,
within a few years of their invention, the possibility of using computers for
translation was first discussed by Warren Weaver of the Rockefeller Foundation
and Andrew D. Booth, a British crystallographer. On his return to Birkbeck College
(London) Booth explored the mechanization of a bilingual dictionary and began
collaboration with Richard H. Richens (Cambridge), who had independently been
using punched cards to produce crude word-for-word translations of scientific
abstracts. However, it was a memorandum from Weaver in July 1949 which
brought the idea of MT to general notice and suggested methods: the use of wartime
brought the idea of MT to general notice and suggested methods: the use of wartime
cryptography techniques, statistical analysis, Shannon’s information theory,
and exploration of the underlying logic and universal features of language. Within
a few years research had begun at a number of US centres, and in 1951 the first
full-time researcher in MT was appointed: Yehoshua Bar-Hillel at MIT. A year later
he convened the first MT conference, where the outlines of future research were
already becoming clear. There were proposals for dealing with syntax, suggestions
that texts should be written in controlled languages, arguments for the construction
of sublanguage systems, and recognition of the need for human assistance (preand
post-editing) until fully automatic translation could be achieved. For some, the
first requirement was to demonstrate the technical feasibility of MT. Accordingly,
at Georgetown University Leon Dostert collaborated with IBM on a project which
resulted in the first public demonstration of a MT system in January 1954. A
carefully selected sample of Russian sentences was translated into English,
using a very restricted vocabulary of 250 words and just six grammar rules.
Although it had little scientific value, it was sufficiently impressive to stimulate
the large-scale funding of MT research in the United States and to inspire the
initiation of MT projects elsewhere in the world, notably in the Soviet Union.
For the next decade many groups were active: some adopting empirical
trial-and-error approaches, often statistics-based, with immediate working systems
as the goal; others took theoretical approaches, involving fundamental linguistic
research, aiming for long-term solutions. The contrasting methods were usually
described at the time as ‘brute-force’ and ‘perfectionist’ respectively. Examples
of the former were the lexicographic approach at the University of Washington
(Seattle), later continued by IBM in a Russian-English system completed for the
US Air Force, the statistical ‘engineering’ approach at the
and the methods adopted at the Institute of Precision Mechanics in the Soviet
Union, and the National Physical Laboratory in Great Britain. Largest of all was
the group at Georgetown University, whose successful Russian-English system
is now regarded as typical of this ‘first generation’ of MT research. Centres of
theoretical research were at MIT, Harvard University, the University of Texas, the
University of California at Berkeley, at the Institute of Linguistics in Moscow and
the University of Leningrad, at the Cambridge Language Research Unit (CLRU),
and at the universities of Milan and Grenoble. In contrast to the more pragmatically
oriented groups where the ‘direct translation’ approach was the norm, some of the
theoretical projects experimented with early versions of interlingua and transfer
systems (e.g. CLRU and MIT, respectively).
Much of the research of this period was of lasting importance, not only
for MT but also for computational linguistics and artificial intelligence — in
particular, the development of automated dictionaries and of techniques for
syntactic analysis — and many theoretical groups made significant contributions
to linguistic theory. However, the basic objective of building systems capable of
producing good translations was not achieved. Optimism had been high, there
were many predictions of imminent breakthroughs, but disillusionment grew as
the complexity of the linguistic problems became more and more apparent. In
a 1960 review of MT progress, Bar-Hillel criticized the prevailing assumption
that the goal of MT research should be the creation of fully automatic high
history of MT 7
RAND Corporation,Brief quality translation (FAHQT) systems producing results indistinguishable from
those of human translators. He argued that the ‘semantic barriers’ to MT could
in principle only be overcome by the inclusion of vast amounts of encyclopaedic
knowledge about the ‘real world’. His recommendation was that MT should adopt
less ambitious goals, it should build systems which made cost-effective use of
human-machine interaction.
In 1964 the government sponsors of MT in the United States formed the
Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC) to examine the
prospects. In its influential 1966 report it concluded that MT was slower, less
accurate and twice as expensive as human translation and stated that “there is no
immediate or predictable prospect of useful Machine Translation”. It saw no need
for further investment in MT research; instead it recommended the development of
machine aids for translators, such as automatic dictionaries, and continued support
of basic research in computational linguistics. The ALPAC report was widely
condemned as narrow, biased and shortsighted — it was certainly wrong to criticize
MT because output had to be post-edited, and it misjudged the economic factors
— but large-scale financial support of current approaches could not continue. Its
influence was profound, bringing a virtual end to MT research in the United States
for over a decade and damaging the public perception of MT for many years
In the following decade MT research took place largely outside the United
States, in Canada and in Western Europe, and virtually ignored by the scientific
community. American activity had concentrated on English translations of Russian
scientific and technical materials. In Canada and Europe the needs were quite
different: the Canadian bicultural policy created a demand for English-French (and
to a less extent French-English) translation beyond the capacity of the market,
and the European Economic Community (as it was then known) was demanding
translations of scientific, technical, administrative and legal documentation from
and into all the Community languages.
A research group was established at Montreal which, though ultimately
unsuccessful in building a large English-French system for translating aircraft
manuals, is now renowned for the creation in 1976 of the archetypal ‘sublanguage’
system Météo (Chapter 12) for translating weather reports for daily public
broadcasting. In 1976 the Commission of the European Communities decided
to install an English-French system called Systran, which had previously been
developed by Peter Toma (once a member of the Georgetown team) for
Russian-English translation for the US Air Force, and had been in operation since
1970 (see Chapter 10). In subsequent years, further systems for French-English,
English-Italian, English-German and other pairs have been developed for the
Commission. In the late 1970s, it was also decided to fund an ambitious research
project to develop a multilingual system for all the Community languages, based
on the latest advances in MT and in computational linguistics. This is the Eurotra
project, which involves research groups in all member states (see Chapter 14).
For its basic design, Eurotra owes much to research at Grenoble and at
Saarbrücken. During the 1960s the French group had built an ‘interlingua’ system
for Russian-French translation (not purely interlingual as lexical transfer was still
bilingual); however, the results were disappointing and in the 1970s it began to
bilingual); however, the results were disappointing and in the 1970s it began to
develop the influential transfer-based Ariane system (Chapter 13). The Saarbrücken
group had also been building its multilingual ‘transfer’ system S
late 1960s (Chapter 11). It was now the general consensus in the MT research
community that the best prospects for significant advances lay in the development
of transfer-based systems. The researchers at the Linguistics Research Center
(LRC) at Austin, Texas (one of the few to continue after ALPAC) had come
to similar conclusions after experimenting with an interlingua system and was
now developing its transfer-based M
had begun at Kyoto University on the Mu transfer system for Japanese-English
translation. The Eurotra group adopted the same basic approach, although it
found subsequently that the demands of large-scale multilinguality led to the
incorporation of many interlingual features.
However, during the 1980s the transfer-based design has been joined by new
approaches to the interlingua idea. Most prominent is the research on knowledgebased
systems, notably at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (see section 18.1),
which are founded on developments of natural language understanding systems
within the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. The argument is that MT must go
beyond purely linguistic information (syntax and semantics); translation involves
‘understanding’ the content of texts and must refer to knowledge of the ‘real
world’. Such an approach implies translation via intermediate representations based
on (extra-linguistic) ‘universal’ elements. Essentially non-AI-oriented interlingua
approaches have also appeared in two Dutch projects: the DLT system at Utrecht
based on a modification of Esperanto (Chapter 17) and the Rosetta system at
Phillips (Eindhoven) which is experimenting with Montague semantics as the
basis for an interlingua (Chapter 16)
More recently, yet other alternatives have emerged. For many years, automatic
translation of speech was considered Utopian, but advances in speech recognition
and speech production have encouraged the foundation of projects in Great Britain
(British Telecom) and in Japan (Advanced Telecommunications Research, ATR):
see section 18.6. The sophistication of the statistical techniques developed by
speech research has revived interest in the application of such methods in MT
systems; the principal group at present is at the IBM laboratories at Yorktown
Heights, NY (see section 18.3)
The most significant development of the last decade, however, is the
appearance of commercial MT systems. The American products from A
Weidner and Logos were joined by many Japanese systems from computer
companies (Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, NEC, Oki, Sanyo, Sharp, Toshiba), and
in the later 1980s by Globalink, PC-Translator, Tovna and the M
developed by Siemens from earlier research at Austin, Texas. Many of these
systems, particularly those for microcomputers, are fairly crude in the linguistic
quality of their output but are capable of cost-effective operation in appropriate
circumstances (see Chapter 9). As well as these commercial systems, there
have been a number of in-house systems, e.g. the Spanish and English systems
developed at the Pan-American Health Organization (Washington, DC), and the
systems designed by the Smart Corporation for Citicorp, Ford, and the Canadian
Department of Employment and Immigration. Many of the Systran installations
USY since theETAL system (Chapter 15); and in Japan workLPSystems,ETAL system are tailor-made for particular organisations (Aérospatiale, Dornier, NATO, General
Nearly all these operational systems depend heavily on post-editing to produce
acceptable translations. But pre-editing is also widespread: in some systems, for
instance, operators are required, when inputting text, to mark word boundaries or
even indicate the scope of phrases and clauses. At Xerox, texts for translation by
Systran are composed in a controlled English vocabulary and syntax; and a major
feature of the Smart systems is the pre-translation editor of English input.
The revival of MT research in the 1980s and the emergence of MT systems
in the marketplace have led to growing public awareness of the importance of
translation tools. There may still be many misconceptions about what has been
achieved and what may be possible in the future, but the healthy state of MT
is reflected in the multiplicity of system types and of research designs which
are now being explored, many undreamt of when MT was first proposed in the
1940s. Further advances in computer technology, in Artificial Intelligence and in
theoretical linguistics suggest possible future lines of investigation (see Chapter
18), while different MT user profiles (e.g. the writer who wants to compose a
text in an unknown language) lead to new designs. But the most fundamental
problems of computer-based translation are concerned not with technology but
with language, meaning, understanding, and the social and cultural differences of
human communication.
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